AIM Binary Tree
AIM2505A Technical Manual V2.03
5.1.1 Registers in detail
Registers 1-10 - Voltage Inputs
These registers contain the measured input voltage in mV. The values are a signed
16 bit integer (2’s complement).
All channels measure bipolar voltage with a nominal range of -10V... +10V. This
means that the accuracy specifications is guaranteed for this range.
Actual measurement range is -12V...+12V which allows over-range detection.
Register 20 - Board temperature
The board temperature °C (in Celsius) can be read from the lower 8 bits as a 8 bit
signed integer. Bits 15-8 are reserved.
Register 21 - Reserved
The value in the register is always zero.
Register 22 - Reserved
The value in the register is always zero.
Register 23 - Heartbeat
Heartbeat (bits 0-
7) is the value of AIM2505A module’s internal 16ms tick counter.
Bits 15-8 are reserved. The value wraps around to zero after value 255.
Register 24 - Module status
The module status.
Bit 0: 1=Module faulty, 0=Module OK.
Register 33 - Selfcheck status
The value in the register is always zero (reserved for future use).
Register 34 - Selfcheck status
The value in the register is always zero (reserved for future use).
Registers 51-60 - Current inputs
These registers contain the measured input current in µA. The values are a signed
16 bit integer (2’s complement).
All channels measure bipolar current with a nominal range of -20mA... +20mA. This
means that the accuracy specifications is guaranteed for this range.
Actual measurement range is -25mA...+25mA which allows over-range detection.