EHV GmbH • Entwicklung | Herstellung | Vertrieb • Hauptstraße 131 • 01744 Dippoldiswalde
2. Directions of use
2.1. Safe combustibles
Only air-dried, natural logs of wood measuring between 25-80 cm in
length and 35 cm in diameter with less than 20% water content may be
used as combustibles. In case you use wood remainders, make sure it was
stored in a dry place for at least two years before using it as firewood.
Never use more than the given amount in table 2 at a time to prevent
overheating of the Kanuk® hot-air kiln. Don’t use treated or plastic-coated
wood, chip trays, sawdust, coal, coke, or similar combustibles!
2.2. Use of Kanuk®
Kanuk® hot-air kilns may only be used with combustion chamber door
closed. All Kanuk® hot-air kilns can be fitted with a self-closing door
mechanism (layout 1).
2.3. Butterfly control valve
Remember to open the butterfly control valve in
the exhaust gas stub when using the Kanuk®
hotair kiln (position 0). The hand knob must be
pointing in the direction of the exhaust gas stub.
In case of a high draught of the chimney (see ta-
ble 1, feed pressure), the control valve in the ex-
haust gas stub can be partially closed (position
Overheating and/or improper combustibles can result in
damage of the combustion chamber! See table 2: maximal combustible
amounts (given in kilograms per hour).