The output format of the software is a CSV file. This is automatically saved under the name
EHP.csv under the path stored in the application.
The content is saved in the following format:
HH:MM:SS = Time
Data format of the stored weighing data:
WW = Scale No.
NNNNN = Net weight of the scale
TTTTTT = Tare weight oft he scale
Table 5
Data format
In this chapter, the control commands of the balance are explained in more detail. This information
is only relevant if weighing data is to be processed in an individual software program.
Error-free data exchange between the PC system and the scale is only possible under the following
Scale is switched on
USB-Box is connected
USB-Box driver is installed
Same radio channel set between scale and USB-Box
For optimal communication between scale and PC, send the commands listed here with a time
difference of approx. 100ms 3x in succession.
xx 31 CE 03
Button 1 Tare
xx 32 CD 03
Button 2 Print
xx 33 CC 03
Button 3 Set Zero
xx 34 CB 03
Button 4 Add
xx 35 CA 03
Button 5 ½
xx 36 C9 03
Button 6 Total
xx 37 C8 03
Button 7 Test
xx 38 C7 03
Button 8 Off
xx 39 C6 03
Button 9 Activate, deactivate peak value or casting speed/sec.
xx 30 CF 03
Button 10 Pre-Tara
xx 0C F3 03
Button 11 Shift
xx 0D F2 03
Button 12 Enter
Table 6