4.3 AC Power Connections
All AC power connections to L1, L2, and Neutral are terminated with a hinged pressure clamp connector. Observe the
connector termination instructions for the clamp connector as shown in figure 15. Recommended strip length is 18 mm
IMPORTANT! Do not terminate fine stranded cable in the connector without the use of ferrules.
IMPORTANT! Do not operate this product if the hinge clamp does not close completely as shown. Improper terminations can
result in fire and/or permanent damage.
CAUTION! To reduce the risk of fire, connect only to a dedicated circuit provided with appropriate branch circuit over-
current protection in accordance with local electrical codes.
WARNING! Improper connection of the wiring panel may result in equipment damage and cause personal injury.
Disconnect all AC and DC Sources prior to installation.
CAUTION! The AC grid and load ports are independent circuits, controlled internally by an automatic bypass and
transfer switch. Each port must be connected to electrically isolated panels.
Tapping line or neutral wires from the main
electrical panel to the backup panel will result in permanent damage to the product.
4.3.1 Phase Orientation in Split Phase 120/240 Systems
The EMC derives power measurement at the main service, the solar
PV inverter AC output, and the ESS. Consistent phase voltage
orientation through the entire installation is critical to proper control
of the system. The initial selection of the phase voltage defined as L1
is established by the placement of the CT referenced as CT1 on the
main feeder to the panel. To ensure the phase wiring to the Evolve
hub maintains consistent polarity, measure the AC voltage between
L1 of the main feeder and the Grid terminals of the Evolve Hub. The
pole that measures 0.0 VAC is defined herein as L1 for the AC wiring
instructions that follow.
Main panel
Evolve Hub circuit
L1 L2
L1 L2
To backup panel
To main panel
PCS load port
PCS grid port
Neutral bus
Evolve PCS Ports
Neutral bus (common)
Figure 15: AC power wiring.
Figure 16: Defining L1 with CT1 in the main panel.