ExtraLab Plus – Cork Extraction Force and Torque Measuring System
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Restart the machine (turn-off and back on) and the program should start normally. To end the
upgrade procedure perform as follows:
At the start, appears the software version that is on memory. The version of the software
can be confirmed on the window “About”, on the Configuration Menu. Check if it according
the version indication on the firmware package.
Confirm the validity of the conversion functions for Extraction and Torque. If the function is
not according to the expected, the user must send new conversion functions to the
equipment (Please see calibration procedure on annex).
The values presented on the tests are determined by conversion functions. If these are not
correct the readings of the equipment will be incorrect.
Error: Could not open serial port
Serial Port Configured is not valid. The user must select with
the right button of the mousse the file “RFU.bat”. Press Edit. In
the line: “set com=4:115200” change the number of the port
(by default the number is 4) for the COM port number to be
Error: .\ not found
The user must confirm if all the files indicated on point 1 are in
the folder.
Error: Target communication error
Check the connection of the communication cable.
Check also if there is any other software using the same PC
communication port (e.g. the ExtraLab Plus PC software). In
this case close this software.
If any additional information is required, please contact the EGITRON technical support.