1. If pipe tends to “walk off” drive roll, increase offset dimension (figures 3 & 4)
2. If drive roll flange shaves pipe end, decrease offset dimension.
3. If pipe end flare is excessive, lower pipe end to level with roll groover.
4. If pipe wobbles and/or “walks off” the drive roll, raise pipe end to level with roll groover.
5. Short lengths of pipe (under three feet) may require slight pressure to maintain the degree offset
Rolled groove too
narrow or too wide.
Incorrect size of grooving and driving rolls.
Install correct size of grooving and
driving rolls.
Mismatched grooving and driving rolls.
Match grooving and driving rolls.
Grooving roll and/or driving roll worn.
Replace worn roll.
Rolled groove not
perpendicular to
pipe axis.
Pipe length not straight.
Use straight pipe.
Pipe end not square with pipe axis.
Cut pipe end square.
Pipe does not track
Pipe not level.
Adjust stand to level pipe.
Groover not level.
Level groover.
Pipe axis not offset 1/2 degree from drive
roll axis.
Offset pipe 1/2 degree (See Figs. 3&4).
1/2 degree offset not sufficient.
Offset pipe slightly more.
Not applying pressure to pipe.
Apply pressure to pipe (See Figs.6&7).
Excessive weld seam.
Grind flush 2” from end of pipe.
Pipe end not square.
Cut pipe end square.
Pipe flared at groove
Pipe not level.
Adjust stand to level pipe.
Operator is advancing groove roll too fast.
Slow down pumping action. (Refer to
proper operating instructions.)
Pipe is too hard.
Replace pipe.
Pipe drifts back and
forth on driving
roll axis while
Pipe length not straight.
Use straight pipe.
Pipe end not square with pipe axis.
Cut pipe end square.
Hard spots in pipe material or weld seams
harder than pipe.
Use high quality pipe of uniform
Grooving roll feed rate too slow.
Feed grooving roll into pipe faster.
Pipe support stand rollers not in correct
location for pipe size.
Position pipe stand rollers for pipe size
being used.
Groover does not roll
groove in pipe.
Pipe wall maximum thickness exceeded.
Check pipe capacity chart.
Wrong rolls.
Install correct rolls.
Pipe material too hard.
Replace pipe.
Adjustment nut not set.
Set depth.
Pipe slips on driving
Driving roll knurling plugged with metal or
worn flat.
Clean or replace driving roll.
Grooving roll feed rate too slow.
Feed grooving roll into pipe faster.
Pump not delivering
oil, cylinder does
not advance.
Pump release valve open.
Close release valve.
Low oil in reservoir.
Check oil level per instructions.
Dirt in pump body.
Have serviced by qualified technician.