F. DC/AC Current Measurement
(see figure 8)
The operating temperature must be 0ºC ~40ºC when measuring current.
To measure current, do the following:
1. Set the rotary switch to 40A
, or 1000A
. DC mesaurement mode is a default.
to switch to AC measurement mode.
2. Hold the Meter tight, don’t release.
3. Press the lever to open the transformer jaw.
4. Center the conductor within the transformer jaw, then release the Meter slowly until the
trasnformer jaw is completely closed, Make sure the conductor to be tested is placed at the
center of the transformer jaw, otherwise it will casue deviation. The Meter can only measure one
conductor at a time, to meausre more than one condutor at a time will cause deviation.
Note for DC measure:
- The Hall components are very senstive not only to the magnet but also to heat and machines
reaction force. Any shock will cause the changing in reading in the short time.
- When the Meter does not display 0 before measurement, press
to zeroing.
- Center the conductor within the transformer jaw, then release the Meter slowly until the
transformer jaw is completely closed. Make sure the conductor to be tested is placed at the center
of the transformer jaw, otherwise it will cuase ±1.0 % deviation.
- When measuring DC current, if the reading is positive, then the current direction is from up to
down (see figure 8: the front case face up while the bottom case face down).
figure 8
Below testing method can obtain more accurate DC current:
- Power off the tested conductor current,
- Press the lever to open the transformer jaw.
- When the reading is stabled at the minimal, press ZERO to display zero.
- Power on the tested conductor current, read out the reading after the Meter is stable.
Note for AC measure
- Center the conductor within the transformer jaw, then release the Meter slowly until the
transformer jaw is completely closed. Make sure the conductor to be tested is placed at the center
of the transformer jaw, otherwise it will cuase ±1.0 % deviation.
- The meter will zero automatically.