5. Operation
If the battery is sufficiently charged the unit will remain
in the standby mode.
Please change fuel cartridge
Should the device detect a malfunction such as an
empty fuel cartridge, it will shut down and advise you
how to correct the situation. (“Please change fuel
cartridge“.) Resume automatic operation using the
reset button after the error has been corrected
(See Chapter 7, page 44).
Switching On manually
If desired, you can switch on the unit manually regard-
less of the battery voltage. The unit will then be in the
“charging mode“.
This function is only possible when the battery voltage
is below 13.2V / 26.4 V.
Charging mode
on the control panel once if the unit has been
switched off, and twice if it is operating in automatic
mode. The unit will start up regardless of the battery
voltage and will continue charging until it reaches the
switch-off point.
The device will then switch to automatic mode by itself
and will only charge if the battery or the demand for
power requires it.
Switching Off manually
on the remote control to switch off the device.
The unit will gradually shut down, performing various
function checks as it does so:
Shutting down
To protect components, the unit must run at least
30 minutes before shutting down. If the unit is shut off
beforehand, it will continue running until 30 minutes