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Yocto Linux
3.5“ Display System
E.E.P.D. GmbH | Gewerbering 3 | 85258 Weichs
© 2016-2019 E.E.P.D. GmbH. All Rights Reserved
with Yocto Linux
The mSD Card included the following files:
Partition 1
• Linux Kernel.
• Devicetree.
• Readme.txt / Tips for the production of Yoc-
to Linux
Partition 2
Root-Files / Necessary Linux files
E.E.P.D. provides the files in their original
state. This includes no guarantees and
juridical claims whatsoever.
Create a bootable microSD Card for
Yocto Linux
If you don‘t have the preloaded mSD Card
from E.E.P.D., it is necessary to installed the
operating system on a mSD card. Technical
information for Yocto Linux can be requested
from „[email protected]“.
To install Yocto Linux on your mSD Card you
use a PC and a program like „Win32 Disk
Imager“ from SourceForge
ge.net) if you use Windows
and „dd“ utility if
you use Linux.
Both programs provide a bootable mSD card
with Yocto Linux.
For the installation, please follow the ope-
rating system information on your PC.
Take the instructions for the production of Yoc-
to Linux from the file „Readme.txt“ under pa
ragraph 1 „Build Yocto Linux“. Tips for trans-
ferring of the image on map SD are described
under paragraph 1 Segment 9.
Now the mSD Card can be used in the