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Interface – Instal
3.5“ Display System
E.E.P.D. GmbH | Gewerbering 3 | 85258 Weichs
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Interfaces in Android
To use interfaces specific for system (e.g., re
lay or temperature sensor), an application can
use the library of „Platform“.
• The process is described under point 3
(Using Library) in the „Readme“ file to the
-System with Android™.
With the help of examples the integration of the
libraries is also shown.
Our example applications „AppHouseControl“
and „AppThermometer“ can be used originally
or modified.
Install Sample Application
To install the example application „AppThermo-
meter“ on the ANDROX ® system we recom-
mend the following approach:
• Insert the microSD Card in your PC.
• Start „Android Studio“ and select in the Wel-
come Window „Import Non-Android Studio
Select and confirm the folder with the ex
ample application „AppThermometer“ on
the microSD Card with „OK“.
• Choose the target directory on your PC and
confirm with „Next“.
• Don‘t change the defaults at the window
„Import Project from ADT“ and confirm with
If the mistake „failed to find target...“ appe
ars, click the Link „Install missing platform(s)
and sync project“. It opens a license window
which must be accepted and be confirmed
with „Next“.
• The installation starts. If all components are
installed, finish the window „Installing Re
quested Components“ with „Finish“.
Now take the microSD Card from your PC and
insert it in your ANDROX
system. Afterwards
start the ANDROX
To transfer the provided application on the
system a connection from your PC
to the USB 2.0 mini-B socket is necessary.
• At the „Android Studio“ workplace start the