MaxLoader User’s Guide
Device Address: 0 01 23
1 45 67
2 89 AB
Config Option / Device Insert Test
When enabled, this test will allow the MaxLoader to first examine the physical
position of a device as it is sitting in the programming socket when the user
attempts to take any action to that device. Once it has finished examining, the
MaxLoader will prompt the user for corrective steps if needed depending upon
the position of the device. Once you click on “Device Insert Test,” MaxLoader
will display “Incorrect device ID” if your target device contains ID or if wrong
device is placed inside the socket. You may see the same message if the device
has been secured or if the device ID has been erased. Click on “Yes” if you
want to ignore the manufacturer’s device ID and proceed.
Config Option / Device ID Check
Check the device with both manufacturer and device part number
before run any operation for the target device in the socket. If you
program an EPROM, you may allow to skip the device ID check
routine when the device size and programming voltage between the
EPROM in socket and the part in menu.