Transcatheter Heart Valve with the N Delivery System
Instructions for Use
CAUTION: Federal (USA) law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a physician.
Implantation of the transcatheter heart valve should be performed only by physicians who have
received Edwards Lifesciences training. The implanting physician should be experienced in
balloon aortic valvuloplasty.
Please verify that you have the latest version of the instructions for use prior to using the device
by visiting http://THVIFU.edwards.com or by calling 1.800.822.9837. In order to access the
instructions for use, an IFU Code will be required.
STERILE: The valve is supplied sterilized with glutaraldehyde solution. The delivery system is
supplied sterilized with ethylene oxide gas.
Edwards, Edwards Lifesciences, the stylized E logo, Carpentier-Edwards, Edwards SAPIEN,
Edwards SAPIEN XT, NovaFlex, N, PARTNER, PARTNER II, Qualcrimp, RetroFlex,
RetroFlex 3, SAPIEN, SAPIEN XT, TFX, and ThermaFix are trademarks of Edwards Lifesciences
Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.