A735-01-840 Issue B
Page 16
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Ensure the pump is switched off before removing the silencer.
Remove the NW25 clamp and silencer from the pump exhaust. Hold the top half of the silencer with one hand, and
the bottom half with the other hand. Keeping one hand steady, twist clockwise with the other, and the two halves
will separate. The polyester element will be retained in the top half. With the element uppermost, lift the element
out by lightly gripping the protruding surface of the element. Put the element to one side ready to inspect it. The
foam block is pushed onto the outlet pipe and is trapped into position by the polyester element.
Inspection of elements
The tip seal wear product will begin to decompose if the temperature exceeds 250°C, giving rise to gaseous
fumes that can produce unpleasant symptoms.
The silencer will be contaminated with the process chemicals that have been pumped during operation. Ensure that
the pump is decontaminated before maintenance and that adequate precautions are taken to protect people from
the effects of dangerous substances if contamination has occurred.
Renewal of the elements is recommended regardless of their level of contamination. Neither element should be
heavily contaminated with tip seal dust, but if either is, they MUST be replaced or cleaned in order to avoid a build
up of dust that may adversely affect performance. Rinse the elements through with soap and water to clean them.
Observe local guidelines to advise the safe disposal of PTFE dust.
Replacement of elements
Fitting the new elements is the reverse of removal, fit the foam block first and then the polyester element. Fit both
halves of the silencer together and twist anticlockwise to secure. Ensure fastening is complete by looking at the
bayonet fitting and checking it is home.
Take all necessary precautions if toxic or dangerous substances have been pumped. Wear PPE
when handling contaminated filters and filter elements.
Table 9 - Silencer element replacement kit
Product description
Ordering information
Silencer spares kit