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A419-00-880 Issue F
End user controller
The End User Controller (EUC) allows manual control of the EPX pump and also displays the pump status. Refer to
which shows the front panel of the EUC display.
Use the run button (
, item 1) to start the EPX pump. The run button has an LED which is on when the EPX
pump is running. Use the stop button (
, item 10) to stop the pump.
The display (
, item 2) shows two lines of text; each line is 16 characters long. In normal operation, the Normal
display is shown; the Normal display has two pages, and each has two lines. Each page of the Normal display shows
the status of one or more EPX EUC sensors or internal clocks and counters. As supplied, the first page of Normal
display shows the pump serial number and pump current. It is possible to change the information shown on the Normal
At any time, press one of the four menu buttons (
, item 7) to select a new menu. Then use the up (
item 5), down (
, item 3), ENTER (
, item 6) and CANCEL (
, item 4) buttons to move through
the menu. The appropriate menu selected LED (
, item 8) is on when the corresponding menu is in use.
Use the menu (
, item 5), down (
, item 4) and ENTER
, item 6) buttons as described below. Refer to
for a full definition of the menu structures and the
display formats.
Press this button to select the Status menu. This menu displays the current pump status.
Press this button to select the Normal display.
Press this button to select the Control menu, then take control or release control of the pumping system
Press this button to select the Setup menu. In this menu it is possible to display parameters (such as the
pressure units used when pressures are displayed).
Enter (6):
Use this button to select a currently displayed menu option or to enter a currently displayed parameter.
Cancel (4):
Use this button to cancel the currently displayed menu or option and return to the previous menu or
Up (5)/Down (3):
Use these buttons to move up or down menu options or to increase or decrease a displayed
The status LEDs (
, item 9) show the current status of the EPX system.
This LED shows when an alarm condition exists.
This LED shows when a warning condition exists.
Local control:
This LED is on when the EUC has control of the EPX system.
The ALARM and WARNING LEDs flash when the corresponding alarm or warning condition first occurs. When
acknowledging the condition, the corresponding LED goes on permanently. For most alarms and warnings, if the
condition clears (that is, the fault which caused the condition is no longer present), the corresponding LED goes off
once the condition has been acknowledged.