CMDN Manual
UnAck Message
Steady till silenced, then 1/2
second pulse as a silenced
reminder, every 14 seconds,
when silenced.
LED Indicators
Normal LED:
The normal LED illuminates when the system to which the CMDN-
C/SMDN-C is connected has no faults or off-normal conditions.
Alarm LED:
The alarm LED illuminates when the host system to which the CMDN-
C/SMDN-C is connected is in an alarm condition.
Supervisory LED:
The supervisory LED illuminates when the CMDN-C/SMDN-C
receives a supervisory alarm which is in its data base. A common
supervisory (no message in display) turns on the supervisory LED, but
does not require silencing.
Trouble LED:
The trouble LED illuminates when the CMDN-C/SMDN-C receives a
trouble which is in its data base. A common trouble (no message in
display) turns on the trouble LED, and requires silencing.
Tx0 (On PC Board):
The Tx0 LED on the circuit board indicates the CMDN-C/SMDN-C is
transmitting on RS-485 channel 0.
Tx1 (On PC Board):
The Tx1 LED on the circuit board indicates the CMDN-C/SMDN-C is
transmitting on RS-485 channel 1.
The following indicators are available only on the "-C" series
Alarm Silenced LED:
The Alarm Silenced LED lights when the system-wide alarm silence
function has been initiated.
Trouble Silenced LED:
The Trouble Silenced LED lights when the local trouble silence
function has been initiated.
Drill LED:
The Drill LED lights when the system-wide drill/general evacuation
function has been initiated.