4.2 W indow s NT/2000/2003 Server Installat ion and
Please follow t he p rocedures described belo w fo r
installatio n a nd co nst r uct a peer- to-peer co nnectio n (PTPP)
between Windo ws NT/2000/2003 Ser ver a nd Print Ser ver .
If t his is your first time i nstalli ng pri nt se r ver, please i nsta ll
the administ rator soft ware on Windo ws NT/2000/2003
server firs t. Refe r to sectio n 3.2 for ins tallation ins tr uctio ns.
If yo ur net work has alread y insta lled a working print ser ve r
and yo ur Windo ws NT/2000/2003 ser ver has not yet
installed the PTPP dri ver , please insta ll t he clie nt so ft ware.
Refer to sec tion 3.4 a nd 3 .5 fo r i nstallatio n i nstr uc tions .
Please add/configure t he Peer -to-Peer Printi ng o f t he
Windows NT/2000/2003 net work printer a nd verif y t hat yo u
can pri nt f rom Wi ndows NT/2000/2003 to t he pri nt ser ver b y
the ins talled PTPP dri ver .
Share the abo ve ser ver’s p rinte r to t he ne two rk b y
performi ng t he sta ndard Wi ndows printer s ha ring p rocess.