3.3.4 Status Collecting Steps
If the status collecting field of the camera device is set to Yes, the system will supervise
if the device if normal by CMS IP Camera Status service procedure being performed at
background. If abnormality detected, it will notify CMNS for processing (Event trigger)
System exiting will automatically close this procedure. If the user closes this program,
the user will have no way to collect abnormal status in the future.
3.4 View
Classified into device check (for all camera devices) and group view mode
3.4.1 Device View
Click device view to connect all camera devices. Firstly to display video in split 1 interface.
Aiming at demand, functions including 1/4/9/16/full
screen/page-next/page-previous/automatic scan, snapshot/audio listen/talking/PTZ
can be performed. If to click to select single camera from tree list of device camera
area location at top left corner of the main interface, it is also to directly enter spilt 1
mode for device view.