infORmATiOn On uSe, SAfeTy, LifeSPAn,
STORAge And cARe
This product is part of personal protective equipment for pro-
tection against falls from heights and should be allocated to
one individual.
This information leaflet contains important information which
must be understood before the product is used.
This document must be provided to the customer by the retailer
in the respective country’s language and must be kept with the
equipment while it is in use.
inSTRucTiOnS fOR uSe
These instructions must be carefully read and followed.
This product has been manufactured specially for mountaineer-
ing, climbing and working at heights and in depths and does not
release the user from any personal liability.
Mountaineering, climbing and working at heights and in depths
often harbour hidden dangers and risks caused by external in-
fluences. Risk of accidents must never be excluded. In order to
achieve maximum safety when mountaineering, climbing and
working at heights and in depths, safe use of equipment is only
guaranteed if it complies with industrial norms. For more de-
tailed and comprehensive information, please refer to relevant
special literature. The following instructions are important to
ensure appropriate and correct use of the equipment. However,
they cannot replace experience, responsible behaviour and
awareness of the risks inherent in mountaineering, climbing and
working at heights and in depths and do not release the user
from any personal responsibility. Use of the equipment is only
permitted to fit and experienced individuals or under appropri-
ate guidance and tuition.
Users must be aware that poor physical and mental health can
jeopardise safety under normal conditions and in emergencies.
Before using the equipment, users must familiarise themselves
with safe and effective rescue procedures.
The manufacturer cannot be held liable if the equipment has
been abused or used incorrectly. All risks and responsibilities
are borne by the user at all times.
fiTTing And AdjuSTing Size
Before the first use, the size and, if adjustable harnesses are
present, the correct fit should be assessed in a hanging test in a
safe environment. The choice of size and adjustment of the har-
ness must not hamper mobility in any way. The fitted harness
must feel comfortable. There should be room for a flat hand
between thigh and leg loops. Size and fit are correct if no pain
or breathing difficulties are experienced after a 10-minute hang-
ing test. After putting on the harness, ensure that there are no
metal parts in the genital area and under the arms. Free hang-
ing in the harness should not create an arched back, stretching
or pressure on the genitals, groin and armpits. For women it is
important that minimum pressure is put on the lymphatic ves-
sels of the breasts.
All adjustable parts must be checked regularly during use.
Tying-in should be done with a figure-of-eight knot, as illus-
trated. The knot must be checked regularly during use
When using other systems (e.g. connections or Via Ferrata sets),
they must be attached to the eyelet using an appropriate tech-
nique, e.g. cow hitch or carabiner according to EN 12275 and
EN 362, respectively.
For children and untrained adults, secure tie-in is only guaran-
teed if a seat and chest harness is used. A seat harness alone
poses increased danger to the spine if the upper body moves
uncontrollably during a fall.
Inappropriate use, e.g. free hanging in a chest harness without
leg loops can become life-threatening after only a very short
period of time (crucifixion effect).
nOTeS On cAnyOning HARneSSeS
The canyoning harnesses were specially developed for use in
Tying-in is done using a screw carabiner connected to belay
loop (A) of the tying-in loop. When rescuing persons, the casu-
alty must first be attached to the rescuer’s harness via the D-
ring (B). Then the belay loop of the casualty can be cut
(fig. 2)
SAfeTy nOTiceS
When combining this product with other components, the
safety aspects of the products may interfere with each other.
This equipment should only be used in connection with parts of
personal protective equipment (PPE) bearing the CE-symbol to
secure individuals against falls from heights.
If original components are modified or removed from the prod-
uct, its safety aspects may be restricted. The equipment should
not be modified in any way or altered to allow attachment of
additional parts without the manufacturer’s written recommen-
The equipment must be checked for possible damage before and
after each use. It must be ensured that the equipment is serv-
iceable and fully functional. The equipment must be discarded
immediately if there is even the slightest doubt as to its serv-
The products must be kept away from damaging en-
vironments. This includes contact with abrasive and aggressive
substances (e.g. acids, alkalis, soldering water, oils, cleaning
agents), as well as extreme temperatures and flying sparks. In
addition, sharp edges, wetness and especially icing-up can di-
minish the stability of textiles.
cLimATe RequiRemenTS: fig. 3
LifeSPAn And RePLAcemenT
The lifespan of the product mainly depends mainly on the way
and frequency in which it is used and external influences.
Products made from synthetic fibre (polyamide, polyester, dy-
neema) are subject to a certain ageing process even if they
are not used. This is caused by the intensivity of UV-rays and
environmental influences.
maximum lifespan
under optimal storage conditions (see sec-
tion on storage) and without use: 12 years.
Occasional use:
Occasional and appropriate use without obvi-
ous wear and tear and with optimal storage: 10 years.
frequent or extreme use:
If used under extreme conditions
with frequent or extreme falls, the safety reserves may be
reduced after a very short period so that replacement of the
equipment is unavoidable.
As a general rule, PPE products must be replaced immediately
if, for instance, products with straps have frayed edges or if
fibres are torn out of the weave, if the stitching shows signs of
damage and/or abrasion or if the product has been in contact
with chemicals.
Ropes or products with ropes must be replaced immediately if
they have been involved in an extreme fall (fall factor >1) or if
the sheath has been damaged (so that the core is visible) or if it
has been in contact with chemicals.
Repairs may only be carried out in accordance with procedures
recommended by the manufacturer.
Store in a cool, dry, dark place outside transport con-
tainers. Avoid contact with chemicals (caution: battery acid!)
Store without mechanical stress caused by jamming, pressure
or tension.
The product must be kept away from direct sun-
light, chemicals, dirt and mechanical damage. For this purpose,
a protective bag or special storage and transport containers
should be used.
fig 4.
If required, halogen-free commercial disinfectants may be used.
If required, hinges of metal parts may be oiled after cleaning.
warning! failure to follow these instructions may endanger
Tying-in with sit harness:
1. The rope is tied directly to the tie-in loop/tie-in eyelet (A)
(fig. 5a, 5c)
2. The rope is fed underneath the leg loop connection and then
through both the tying-in loop and the hip belt before the
knot is made
(fig. 5b)
Tying-in with chest harness: (fig.6)
The two tie-in loops of the chest harness are connected with
the tie-in loop of the leg loops (fig. 6). For this purpose, a piece
of rope according to EN 892, single rope or EN 1891 is used.
The lower connecting knot (V) should be on the level of the
breastbone. Tying-in is done by a tie-in knot (A) through the
both loops of the connection between chest and sit harness.
Tie-in knot: Figure-of-eight knot
(fig. 7a)
Connecting knot: Basic overhand knot
(fig. 7b)
Tying-in with fullbody harness: fig. 8
PROducT infORmATiOn fOR THiS iTem:
Manufacturer: EDELRID
Product description: safety harness according to
EN 12277: 1998, type
Lot number
Illustration of adjustable parts
CE 0123: the authority supervising production of PPE
(TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH, 80339 Munich, Germany)
i-Symbol: Warning notices and instructions must be read and
Year of manufacture
Instruction for use: CE XXXX: notified authority
which is responsible for controlling and issuing the EC-Type Ap-
proval Certificate of the product.
Technical Datasheet: Lot number with year of construction.
Our products are manufactured with the utmost care. However,
should any of our products give cause for a justified complaint,
please advise us of the lot number.
We reserve the right to make technical amendments.