SE-3 3-Channel Electrocardiograph User Manual
Figure (a) shows the following content:
10mm/mV----Sensitivity 0.15~100Hz----Filter information
AC50----50Hz AC Filter 05-12-2007 10:06:26----Date and time
----1mV calibration mark
I, II, III, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, aVR, aVL, aVF----Lead name
ECG wave of 12 leads in the format of 3Ch/3Ch
25mm/s----Paper speed
SE-3B V2.4----Model of the equipment and version number
Figure (b) shows the AVERAGE TEMPLET when set the item as 2
6+1R in the Menu
Figure (c) shows the MEASUREMENT and INTERPRETATION when set the two items as
ON in the Menu window. And the items of the MEASUREMENT include:
ID, Name, Age, Sex, BP, Height, Weight, HR (Heart Rate)
P Dur----P wave duration: mean of duration of P-wave from several of 12 selected dominant
PR int----P-R interval: mean of P-R interval from several of 12 selected dominant beats;
QRS Dur----QRS complex duration: mean of duration of QRS complexes from several of 12
selected dominant beats;
QT/QTC int----Q-T interval: mean of Q-T interval from several of 12 selected dominant
Normalized QT interval;
P/QRS/T axis----dominant direction of the average integrated ECG vectors;
RV5/SV1 amP----The maximum of amplitude of R or R
wave of one selected dominant
beat from lead V5/ The maximum of amplitude of S or S
wave of one
selected dominant beat from lead V1;
RV5+SV1 amP---- Sum of RV5 and SV1;
RV6/SV2 amP----
The maximum of amplitude of R or R
wave of one selected dominant
beat from lead V6/ The maximum of amplitude of S or S
wave of one
selected dominant beat from lead V2;
The items of the INTERPRETATION include: Minnesota Code, Diagnosis Information and
Report Confirmed by.
: Recording under AUTO mode or MANUAL mode, if the Sensitivity is set as
20mm/mV, only one calibration mark will be displayed on the paper.