The engine exhaust fumes contain carbon mon-
oxide, which can be DEADLY. This dangerous
gas, if breathed in sufficient concentrations,
can cause unconsciousness or even death. This
generator must be installed properly, in strict
compliance with applicable codes and stan-
dards. Following installation, do nothing that
might render the system unsafe or in noncom-
pliance with such codes and standards.
• Operate the generator outdoors ONLY.
• Keep exhaust gases from entering a confined
area through windows, doors, ventilation, crawl
spaces or other openings (Figure 1.9).
• Generac Power Systems as a responsible manu-
facturer highly recommends that carbon monox-
ide detector(s) be installed indoors according to
the manufacturer's instructions/recommendations.
• The generator must me mounted safely per appli-
cable codes and the manufacturer's specifica-
tions. Do NOT alter or add to the exhaust system,
or do anything that might render the exhaust sys-
tem unsafe or in noncompliance with applicable
codes and standards.
The National Fire Protection Association has a standard for the
installation and use of stationary combustion engines. That
standard is NFPA 37 and its requirements limit the spacing of an
enclosed generator set from a structure or wall (Figure 1.10).
NFPA 37, Section 4.1.4, Engines Located Outdoors. Engines, and
their weatherproof housings if provided, that are installed outdoors
shall be located at least 5 ft. from openings in walls and at least 5
ft. from structures having combustible walls. A minimum separa-
tion shall not be required where the following conditions exist:
1. The adjacent wall of the structure has a fire resistance rating
of at least 1 hour.
2. The weatherproof enclosure is constructed of noncombus-
tible materials and it has been demonstrated that a fire within
the enclosure will not ignite combustible materials outside the
Annex A — Explanatory Material
A4.1.4 (2) Means of demonstrating compliance are by means
of full scale fire test or by calculation procedures.
Because of the limited spaces that are frequently available for
installation, it has become apparent that exception (2) would be
beneficial for many residential and commercial installations. With
that in mind, the manufacturer contracted with an independent
testing laboratory to run full scale fire tests to assure that the
Eaton enclosure would not ignite combustible materials outside
the enclosure.
The criteria was to determine the worst case fire scenario within
the generator and to determine the ignitability of items outside
the engine enclosure at various distances. The Eaton enclosure
is constructed of non-combustible materials and the results and
conclusions from the independent testing lab indicated that any
fire within the generator enclosure would not pose any ignition risk
to nearby combustibles or structures, with or without fire service
personnel response.
Based on this testing and the requirements of NFPA 37, Sec 4.1.4,
the guidelines for installation of the generators listed above are
changed to 18 inches (457mm) from the back side of the genera-
tor to a stationary wall or building. For adequate maintenance and
airflow clearance, the area above the generator should be at least
4 feet with a minimum of 3 feet at the front and ends of the enclo-
sure. This would include trees, shrubs and vegetation that could
obstruct airflow. See the diagram on the reverse of this page and
the installation drawing within the owner’s manual for details.
Generator exhaust contains DEADLY carbon monoxide gas. This
dangerous gas can cause unconsciousness or death. Do not place
the unit near windows, doors, fresh air intakes (furnaces, etc.) or
any openings in the building or structure, including windows and
doors of an attached garage.
Section 1 — General Information
Air-cooled Generators