Ref: ds_GLD_0209 Ver1.0.
Gas Leak Detection GLD
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1– Sensitivity potentiometer
2– Power supply LED
3– Fault LED
4– Alarm LED
5– Reset button
The detector, when it is powered (2), remains inactive for 1.5 ... 2
minutes with the FAULT (3) and ALARM (4) LEDs blinking, to give
time to the sensor to become stabilised.
The sensor sends to the detector a signal with a voltage
proportional to the concentration of gas present in the air.
When the concentration exceeds the pre-alarm threshold the
ALARM (4) LED blinks.
When the signal exceeds the alarm threshold the detector, after
a delay of about 20 seconds :
– activates the internal buzzer
– switches on the ALARM (4) LED
– activates the operational control
Pre-alarm and alarm threshold
The alarm threshold for natural gas is about 16% of the LEL
(lower limit of explosivity of the gas in air). This is below the limit
set by the manufacturing standards (20% of LEL). The pre-alarm
threshold is about two thirds of the alarm threshold.
This permits, in the event of an alarm, taking action under
conditions of maximum safety.
Using the SENSITIVITY (1) potentiometer the thresholds can
be adjusted within the limits established by the manufacturing
standards :
Potentiometer t = increase in sensitivity
Potentiometer towards – = decrease in sensitivity
The alarm status brings about the action of the operational relay :
if normally de-energised (F2 - F3 with link) : relay becomes
energised,contacts : 1-3 closes, 2-3 opens.
if normally energised (F2 - F3 without link) : relay becomes de-
energised,contacts : 1-3 opens, 2-3 closes.
It is signalled by :
activation of internal buzzer (only if terminals M - F1 without
lighting of ALARM (6.4) LED on facia.
Latching alarm and reset
The detector can be programmed in two ways :
Without latching alarm (F3 - F4 with link) :
alarm ceases when concentration of gas returns below
threshold level
a slow blinking (0.2 seconds On and one second Off) of the
ALARM (4) LED indicates the alarm status.
To disactivate it use the RESET (5) button (press for 5
With latching alarm (F3 - F4 without link - factory setting) :
alarm continues even when concentration of gas returns below
threshold level
To disactivate it use the RESET (5) button (press for 5 seconds).
In the event of a fault or of incorrect connection of the sensor the
FAULT (3) or ALARM (4) LED lights.
Type of fault
LED (3)
Breakage of sensor self-heating element
No connection to terminal G
No connection to terminal B
No connection to terminal M
Connections G and B inverted
Connections G and M inverted
When the ALARM LED lights up the detector puts the system in
alarm mode.