8.1 The devices should be stored in the packing box under
conditions 1 (Л) according to GOST 15150-69 standard in heated
and ventilated storehouses with air-conditioning at the ambient air
temperature from +5 to +40
С and relative humidity up to 80 % at
С temperature, non-condensing. The storehouse should be free
of acids, alkalis and gases that may cause corrosion, and vapors of
organic solvents.
8.2 The placement of the devices in the storehouses should
ensure their free movement and access to them.
8.3 The devices should be stored on the shelves.
8.4 The distance between the walls, the floor of the storehouse
and devices should be at least 1 m.
8.5 The distance between the heating gadgets of the storehouse
and the devices should be at least 0.5 m.
8.6 Average shelf life is not less than six years.
8.7 Additional information on storage, check during storage and
maintenance of the device is registered in Appendices D, E, F of this
9.1 Packed devices may be shipped by any kinds of closed
transport vehicles under the conditions 4 (Ж2) (with temperature
limitations in the range of – 25 оС to +50 оС) according to GOST
15150-69 and rules and standards effective for each means of
9.2 The devices in shipping containers should be placed and
fastened in the vehicle so that their stable position is ensured and
shocks (with each other and the sidewalls of the transport) are