Ionizing radiation is a natural phenomenon permanently existing in the
environment. Radiation background of the Earth and the space adversely affects us
on the regular basis. We are constantly influenced by natural radioactive materials
stored in soil and construction materials of the buildings we live and work in. It also
happens that more and more frequently we are exposed to the radioactive influence
of specific life activities, for example, certain medical procedures, smoking etc. To
say nothing of the impact of radioactive sources of artificial origin produced by
Chernobyl Fallout that caused contamination of the vast territories. Therefore not
only natural ionizing radiation but also Chernobyl Atomic Power-Station Disaster
component that gets into human organism with agricultural products, grown on the
polluted territories, berries and mushrooms, makes a great impact on people.
Ionizing radiation is primarily X-ray, gamma, beta, alpha and neutron radiation.