Note 1
. The process of data averaging can be stopped forcibly to provide
effective evaluation of the radiation level. To do this, change the object of
examination and press shortly the THRESHOLD button. Rough evaluation of gamma
background level of every new object may be performed within 10 seconds.
Note 2
. The dosimeter automatically switches off the LCD and audio signaling of
registered gamma quanta to preserve battery energy. The LCD turns off in 5 minutes
after the last pressing of any control button if the DER value does not exceed the
preset threshold level, and the alarm clock does not go off. The digital LCD and
audio signaling of registered gamma quanta turn on immediately after pressing any
control button or at audio alarming (of the threshold device or the alarm clock).
Remember to turn off the power supply after you finished working with the
dosimeter, since the switched off indication does not mean the dosimeter is off!