Select Microsoft Security
Use the following procedure to select Microsoft security�
1 Start Intermec Settings. For help, see “Configure the Computer”
on page 34�
2 Choose Communications > 802�11 Radio > Security Choice�
3 From the Security Choice list, select Microsoft Security� An alert box
appears telling you that you must save your settings and reboot the
computer for the new security choice to take effect�
4 Choose Yes� The computer resets and starts with Microsoft Security
as the Security Choice�
Configure WPA or WPA2 Enterprise (802.1x) Security With Microsoft
Use these procedures to set WPA-802�1x security on your computer with Microsoft security�
1 Make sure the communications and radio parameters on your computer
are configured.
2 Start Intermec Settings�
3 Choose Communications > 802�11 Radio > Microsoft Security�
4 For Infrastructure Mode, choose Infrastructure�
5 For Network Authentication, choose WPA or WPA2� Data Encryption
automatically defaults to TKIP for WPA and AES for WPA2�
6 For 802�1x Authentication, choose either TLS, or PEAP�
7 If you choose TLS:
a Load a user and root certificate on your computer. For help, see “Load a
Certificate” on p.50.
b Choose Properties. The Certificates dialog box appears.
c Select the certificate you want to use from the list. The User Logon dialog
box appears�
d Enter a User Name and Domain and tap OK�
e Tap OK to exit the Certificates dialog box.
f Press OK to save the Microsoft Security settings�
8 If you choose PEAP:
a Load a root certificate of the authentication server on your computer.
For help, see “Load a Certificate” on p.50.
b Press OK to save the security settings and the User Logon dialog
box appears�
c Enter a User Name, Password, and Domain� Select Save Password
if you want to save the password for future authentication sessions�
d Press OK to save the Microsoft Security settings�
Enable WPA or WPA2 Personal (PSK) Security With Microsoft
Use the following procedure to enable WPA-PSK With Microsoft Security�
1 Make sure the communications and radio parameters on your
computer are configured.
2 Start Intermec Settings�
3 Choose Communications > 802�11 Radio > Microsoft Security�
4 For Infrastructure Mode, choose Infrastructure�
5 For Network Authentication, choose WPA-PSK� Data Encryption
automatically defaults to TKIP for WPA and AES for WPA2�
6 For Pre-Shared Key, enter the pre-shared key or the passphrase� The pre-
shared key must be a value of 32 hex pairs preceded by 0x for a total of 66
characters� The value must match the key value on the authenticator�
The passphrase must be from 8 to 63 characters� After you enter a
passphrase, the computer internally converts it to a pre-shared key�
7 Save your settings�
Configure 802.1x Security with Microsoft
Use the following procedure to configure 802.1x security with Microsoft security. ecom
instruments recommends that you use WPA2-802�1x instead of 802�1x-WEP if possible�
1 Make sure the communications and radio parameters on your computer
are configured.
2 Start Intermec Settings�
3 Choose Communications > 802�11 Radio > Microsoft Security�
4 For Infrastructure Mode, choose Infrastructure�
5 For Network Authentication, choose Open�
6 For Data Encryption, choose WEP�
7 For 802�1X Authentication, choose TLS or PEAP�
8 If you choose TLS:
a Load a user and root certificate on your computer. For help,
see “Load a Certificate” on page 50.
b Choose Properties. The Certificates dialog box appears.
c Select the certificate you want to use from the list.
The User Logon dialog box appears�
d Enter a User Name and Domain and tap OK�
e Tap OK to exit the Certificates dialog box.
f Press OK to save the Microsoft Security settings�
9 If you choose PEAP:
a Load a root certificate of the authentication server on your computer.
For help, see “Load a Certificate” on page 50.
b Press OK to save the security settings and the User Logon dialog
box appears�
c Enter a User Name, Password, and Domain� Select Save Password if you
want to save the password for future authentication sessions�
d Press OK to save the Microsoft Security settings�
10 For Network Key Setting, choose Automatic�
11 Save your settings�
Configure Static WEP Security With Microsoft
Use the following procedure to configure static WEP security with Microsoft security.
ecom instruments recommends that you use WPA2-PSK instead of WEP if possible�
1 Make sure the communications and radio parameters on your computer
are configured.
2 Start Intermec Settings�
3 Choose Communications > 802�11 Radio > Microsoft Security�
4 For Network Authentication, choose Open�
5 For Data Encryption, choose WEP�
6 For Network Key Setting, choose Enter Key and Index�
7 For Network Key Value, enter an ASCII key or a hex key that is either 5 bytes
or 13 bytes long depending on the capability of the radio� Set a 5-byte value
for 64-bit WEP or a 13-byte value for 128-bit WEP� Hex keys must be pre
ceded by 0x and contain 5 or 13 hex pairs�