JINECI08 RevC 21/05/14
Slide the primary air valve control arm all the
way to the left.
Using the diagram below, mark and drill a hole
using a 6mm drill bit to a depth of 70mm.
Slide the stove into position, ensuring that the
sealing rope is compressed against the fireplace
and fix using the supplied fixing screw (with
Any voids around the stove must be In-filled
with vermiculite concrete with a
recommended mix of six parts vermiculite to
one part Ordinary Portland Cement. This may
be carried out once the flue has been fitted
provided a suitable access hole for backfilling
is made in the chimney breast (see section on
connecting to a masonry chimney). Sufficient
water should be added so that when a handful
of the mixture is squeezed no more than one
or two drops of water are released.
If connecting to a stainless steel liner,
a liner clamp
(HHN07/ARRT/003) will need to be used.
The clamp should be connected to the liner by a
proprietary flexible liner to single wall flue adaptor
using the three fixing holes in the clamp socket and
those provided in the flue adaptor.
The clamp can be attached to the bottom of the
liner without the appliance fitted. Apply fire
cement to the inside of the stove’s flue collar. The
stove can then be set back in the recess and the
liner clamped onto the stove by passing the clamp
fixing bolts through the flue outlet and securing in
place using the clamping flange and nuts and
washers provided. Make sure all joints are sealed
with fire cement.
If connecting to an existing masonry
chimney it is
recommended that a flue forming pipe (short length
of flue pipe) is used and the void between the flue
forming pipe and the chimney is filled with
vermiculite concrete.
A suitable access hole will need to be made in the
chimney breast to allow the back filling to be carried
out and then filled and sealed once the installation is