5.7. Audio output connections
The eMIMO1616 has16 audio output channels (zone outputs), with independently
configurable balanced line, such as:
mono outputs (1 channel per output)
stereo outputs (2 channels per output, natural pairs, 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, etc.)
Each output has a 3-contact Euroblock connector,
Hot or direct signal
+ Terminal
Cold or inverted signal
− Terminal
In the event of connecting an output channel to an amplifier or audio device with
input, it is recommended to connect ter, − and
point to point
between the two units. In the event of connecting an output channel to an amplifier
or device with an
audio input, do not connect the − terminal.
MONITOR output (marked with a headphones symbol): 3.5mm stereo mini-jack
connector with rotary level control to listen via headphones. It is particularly
useful for listening to output signals from the unit without disturbing its normal
operation. The selection of the signal to listen to is made via the front panel, simply
by pressing the “select” button for the zone you wish to monitor. The volume
control for the headphones signal is after the volume control for the zone, so that
the volume of the zone, or whether it is in MUTE, will have to be taken into