Firmware: V2.18 / V--
5.3.3 Measuring ranges of the analogue outputs
There are four analogue outputs available only on the base module for any actuators that have a current or
voltage interface:
Assignment of the analogue outputs
. All analogue outputs can be configured as current
(4...20 mA) or voltage outputs (0...10 V), see chapter
Configuration of the analogue inputs and outputs
Examples of field devices for connection to the analogue outputs 4..20 mA (e.g. ex works 0..10 V):
Rotary actuators
Lifting actuators
Electronically commutated (EC) motors
Flow rate controllers
Frequency converters
The 16-bit number output to the output process variable in the CODESYS program is converted into a voltage
or current value by the digital-to-analogue converter (DAC) of the controller and output to the field device.
The screenshot in the
controller configuration
under Controller
GLT 3010_V2
, in the
Analog IO [FIX]
shows that the base module (called STANDARD) has 4 analogue outputs. Clicking on [+] opens the following
The four analogue outputs have the IEC addresses %QW28 .. %QW31
The preset variable names AOUT1 .. AOUT4 can be used directly in CODESYS, for example to apply 5 V to the
analogue output: AOUT1 := 16000.
Practical tip:
These names are not recommended due to the "poor" readability. It would be better and
clearer to define meaningful process variable names via the