Figure 14, Chipper chute extension
The battery is mounted on the side of the chipper in front
of the engine. Only use batteries that meet or exceed the
following specifications:
battery category, lawn and garden
bci group Size u1
200-250 cca
7-3/4" X 5-3/16" X 7-5/16"
Suggested Source:
exide cutting edge, Type gT-h
2.7.1 checking/adding moTor oil
Check the oil level. If needed, fill the engine with the type
and amount of oil specified in the engine owner's manual.
Figures 15 and 16 show the oil fill locations for both Briggs
& Stratton and Honda engines.
Figure 15, briggs oil fill (located on each side of engine)
Figure 16, Honda oil fill
2.6 baTTerY inSTallaTion (342cc modelS)
To avoid sparks and a possible explosion or fire due to
a short circuit:
Do not touch the positive (+) battery terminal with tools,
jewelry or other metal objects.
When installing battery cables, connect the positive (+)
cable first and the negative (-)
cable last.
2.7 checking fluidS (engine modelS)
2.5 chuTe eXTenSion (conT.)
2.5.1 chuTe eXTenSion (77454S)
Attach the chipper chute extension to the chipper chute
using six 3/8" x 1" carriage bolts, 3/8" washers and 3/8"
nuts (Figure 14). use three bolts on each side.