We recommend ironing fabrics with uncommon surfaces (e.g. fi lters, embroidery, printings etc.) at the lowest
As far as mixes are concerned (e.g. 40% cotton, 60% synthetic material), set the temperature control according
to the fabric requiring the lower temperature.
If you are not sure of the fabric composition, determine the suitable temperature by performing a test on
the least noticeable part of clothing. Begin with the lowest temperature and slowly increase until the ideal
temperature is achieved.
Never iron spots with traces of perspiration etc.: heat from the iron fi xates fabric stains which cannot be
Removing grease stains is more eff ect using a dry iron at medium temperature: excessive heat burns the
grease and could result in the formation of yellow stains.
Iron silk, wool and synthetic fabrics inside out to prevent shiny stains from appearing.
Iron velvet fabrics in one direction (in the direction of fi bres) and do not press on the iron to prevent shiny
stains from appearing.
The more laundry put into the washing machine, the more wrinkled the laundry will be. Laundry will also
wrinkle more during high speed centrifugation.
Many fabrics are easier to iron if not completely dry. For example, silk should always be ironed moist.
Use the temperature control to set the ironing temperature according to the type of fabric. A lit indicator
signals the heat-up process of the soleplate. The indicator light going out signals the required temperature
has been reached and the ironing process can begin.
The plate temperature indicator occasionally lights up when ironing, indicating the temperature setting
is maintained. After fi nishing your ironing at a high temperature and reducing the temperature, do not
continue using the iron until the soleplate temperature indicator lights up again.
Since the cooling process takes longer than the heating process, ironing fabrics requiring lower
temperatures fi rst is recommended. This way you eliminate the risk of burning the fabric.
Ironing without steam
For steamless ironing, set the steam control to “0” and set the temperature according to the type of fabric.
Ironing with steam
Steam ironing requires setting the temperature to position ••. The amount of steam can be set using the
steam control. Setting the temperature to ••• is recommended for using the maximum amount of steam.
Ironing with the steam burst
Press steam shot for ironing hard to remove creases slowly (dense spray) or quickly (fi ne spray)
For fi ne fabrics, we recommend moistening the fabric or to inserting a damp cloth between the fabric and
iron before using the spray function. Prevent stains from appearing by not using the spray function on silk
or synthetic material.
Vertical steam burst
Hold the iron in an upright position and hold the spray button down to iron and straighten creased drapes,
curtains, clothes etc. Wait a few seconds before pressing again. The spray function is only available at high
temperatures. Stop using the spray function as soon as the soleplate temperature indicator lights up.
Continue ironing only after the indicator light goes out.
Never direct the steam at persons or animals.
Automatic steam emission function
Turn the steam control to the ON position to confi gure automatic steam output corresponding to the
soleplate temperature.