HCA1 General Information
In order to save power, the meter is designed to turn off after 3 minutes (timed from
the last button pressed).
Should the meter turn off in the middle of a test, the last stored zero in the meter will
remain valid when the meter is turned on again. Also, the test result is stored in
memory for easy retrieval.
The HCA1 Chlorine Plus meter is controlled by three buttons:
ZERO/ON: When first pressed, this button turns the meter on. When the meter is on
and this button is pressed, it zeroes the sample in the cell. Once the meter is zeroed,
this zero value applies to all parameters and is stored and retained even when meter
turns off. However, it is recommended that each new water sample analyzed is zeroed
before testing, to maximize sensitivity and accuracy.
MENU: With each press, the MENU button advances through the tests in the following
sequence: CL1, bR2, O3, Cd4, PA5, HP6, PH7, HR8. Each test menu can store up to 20
results. To retrieve the stored results, go to the desired test using the MENU key.
When the desired test is displayed, press and hold down the MENU key. Continue
holding down the MENU key to scroll the stored results for that test, starting with the
most recent result. The meter will display, from memory, the last 20 readings in
sequence beginning with -20, which is the latest result, followed by -19, which is the
2nd latest result, etc.; and finally -01, which is the oldest result retained. Only the last
20 readings are stored in each menu. This meter is able to store 160 results in memory
(20 in each menu).
READ: When pressed once, this button starts the timer for the parameter being
tested. When pressed a second time the meter exits the timer and immediately
prepares to colorimetrically measure the sample, and simultaneously stores the
measurement in memory.
If the parameter being measured is below or above the detection range, the display
will show LO (Under Range) or HI (Over Range). This feature is menu specific and does
not apply to all parameters.
Accuracy and Calibration
All tests have been calibrated using certified reference standards and standard
analytical spectrophotometric methods. The algorithm in the software of the HCA1
Chlorine Plus System mirrors the AWWA, US EPA, DIN, and ISO reference test methods
for chlorine. Studies show that the HCA1 Chlorine Plus System, with the HCA1 Strip
Micro CL (DPD-1), repeatedly agrees with an EPA Compliant reference method greater
than 99% (R2= 0.9989, 0 - 6.0 ppm - see page 12). The HCA1 Chlorine Plus Advanced
Photometric System has been factory calibrated for your convenience. You can expect
the fixed calibrations in the meter to be valid for the life of the meter because of the
quality, Long-Life LED, the photo cell, and the software as written into the meter. This
is why the meter comes with a 2-Year Warranty. For verification of photometer