hengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
Copyright ©2012–2020
hengdu Ebyte Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
AT command
AT+EIOT \r\n
onoff: <onoff>,keysn: <keysn>
<onoff>: 1 means open the Ebyte Cloud, 0 means close the Ebyte Cloud
<keysn>: The serial number key of Ebyte, that is, the SN of the module, it can be obtained with the command
Note: Before using Ebyte Cloud, first use the command AT+PDUTYPE=3 to configure the data protocol type to Ebyte
4 3GPP standard command and operator cloud platform standard
Please refere to "EA01-S 3GPP and Operator Cloud Platform Standard command Manual"
5 Power-on process and transparent transmission description
First, the serial port reports "System power on mode:<mode>" to indicate the power-on mode of the module.
<mode>=0, means normal power-on mode;
<mode>=1, means that the reset pin hardware reset and power on;
<mode>=2, means software reset and power on;
<mode>=3, means RTC wakes up from deep sleep and power on;
<mode>=4, means the serial port RX pin wakes up from deep sleep and power on;
<mode>=5, means watchdog reset and power on.
Secondly, the serial port reports "TCPIP is OK" to indicate that the network is ready and the TCP/UDP link is ready.
Finally, the serial port reports "+XSSTATE:<id>,<state>" to indicate whether the TCP/UDP Socket is successfully
<id> means the created socket id, currently only supports 0 and 1, TCP/UDP channel can only use 0, COAP, MQTT,
Ebyte cloud can use 1.
<state> means the socket connection status, 1 means connected, 0 means disconnected.