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File -> Save
During programming many devices in different configurations, it is not necessary to
have in mind each one as it may be saved on hard disc or floppy disk under any
name and it may be loaded later on. This function save on disc any information
from configuration wizard window. After activation of function a dialog window
appears with request to provide file name. Default data is saved with CMI extension
(Configuration Memory Image).
File -> Language
Allows for selection of any available languages (determined in attached exterior
language files).
File -> Connections
Before programming of devices, a connection type shall be defined. It is possible to
do it with two methods:
- locally
- remotely.
Local connection
Local connection means that configuration software (namely computer on which is
installed) is directly connected to proper terminal of transmitter. Connection is
possible owing to special wire and through RS-232 serial port.
To program device or make any other operations (e.g. reading of device settings,
firmware amendments, etc.) it is necessary firstly to define connection parameters.
It is possible to do so with the above window that is available after activation of
connection from Main Menu and selection Configuration tab or after clicking on
icon on fast access bar and clicking on RS-232 tab.
Name of connection e.g. Locally
Choose serial port e.g. COM 4