Pumps basically consist of a pumping mechanism; electrical parts are mounted on the base and
covered with package.
3.1 Pump Body
* A pair of hybrid roots rotors synchronously rotates, keeping a given clearance, and transfers the
gas from inlet port to outlet port.
* Gears are installed on the other side of rotors and lubricated with oil.
This series adopts synchronized motor.
* They are heated up by the compressed gas, the friction at the bearing and at the seals makes
pump temperature high, under which the pump is cooled with cooling fan.
* To prevent condensation in the pump when condensable gas is pumped, adopt the gas ballast
(The gas ballast mechanism is an option.)
* Silencer is built in to reduce exhaust noise.
3.2 Electrical equipment
* The pump package has built-in circuit protector, noise filter, and inverter.
* Electrical component varies depending on power supply. Choose appropriate model according to
facility set up.
(See Product Specification section next page for power supply and pump model.)
3.3 Gas ballast mechanism (Option)
Condensable gases (water vapor, solvent mixed gas) pumped may condense and become liquid in
the pump if it exceeds its saturated vapor pressure. Gas ballast mechanism prevents
condensation by introducing air or nitrogen which reduces the partial pressure of the pumped
gases. Condensable gases are exhausted from outlet port without condensation by introducing
ballast gas.
(Maximum water vapor pump rate : 250g/h)
It is recommended to use the following gas ballast mechanism when pumping condensable gases.
Pumping non flammable vapor, condensable solvent : Atmospheric (air) ballast
Pumping flammable solvent and gas, condensable solvent : N2 ballast