Optional Equipment:
By-pass System
When in downshift protection, the transmission will engage high range in the first
opportunity and will keep it until the source of the failure is gone. To avoid stop the vehicle
under inconvenient condition the by-pass was created, it will by pass the down shift
protection and allow to drive the vehicle – only in low range – to a place where the repair
can be done. To turn on the by-pass system the driver must stop the vehicle, use the parking
brake and turn on the by-pass key (inside the vehicle cabin).
Shift Pattern Diagram
A shift pattern diagram should be in your vehicle. If it has been lost, a replacement may be
obtained by writing to:
Eaton Corporation
Truck Components
Rua Clark, 2061, Bairro Macuco – CEP 13279-400.
Valinhos - São Paulo - Brasil.
Fone: 0800-170551.
Please specify shifting controls used and transmission model number when making request.
General Information