1 Description ESR5-BWS-31-24VDC
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1 Description ESR5-BWS-31-24VDC
1.1 Intended use
The safety relay can be used to monitor electro-sensitive protective devices
with a monitored active switching output (OSSD) in conformity
with EN 61496, as well as controlled emergency (category 1) stop and pro-
tective door interlocks.
The ESR5-BWS-31-24VDC safety relay is used to monitor single-channel sig-
nal generators and drive actuators.
With the help of this ESR5-BWS-31-24VDC, circuits are de-energized for
safety purposes. When the sensor circuit is broken, the safety relay brings
about a safe state.
Any other use must be discussed and agreed upon with the manufacturer in
The ESR5-BWS-31-24VDC is approved for use in control cabinets or enclo-
sures with a minimum degree of protection of IP54..
The ESR5-BWS-31-24VDC must be used only in locations for which the
device is approved. Make sure to read and Observe the markings on the
device, as well as section Approvals and standards in the appendix.
1.2 Possible signal encoders
Emergency-stop push buttons
Protective door interlocks
Light grid
1.3 Contact type
3 instantaneous enable current paths
1 instantaneous signaling current path
The enable current paths and the signal current path will drop out without a
delay in conformity with Stop category 0 as defined in EN 60204-1.
Please note that we assume no liability for damages, conse-
quential damages, and/or accidents caused by the following:
Failure to follow any applicable occupational health and
safety rules, standards, and/or regulations
Device failures or function disturbances
Improper use and/or handling
Not following the instructions or observing the information
in the documentation for the device
Alterations, changes, and repairs to the device