Eaton Advanced ePDU Troubleshooting Guide P-164000140—Rev 1
COSTS NOT RELATED TO WARRANTY: The End-user shall be invoiced for, and shall pay for, all services not
expressly provided for by the terms of this Warranty, including without limitation, site calls involving an
inspection that determines no corrective maintenance is required. Any costs for replacement equipment,
installation, materials, freight charges, travel expenses or labor of Company representatives outside the terms
of this Warranty will be borne by the End-user.
OBTAINING WARRANTY SERVICE: In the USA, call the Customer Reliability Center 7x24 at 800.356.5737.
Outside of the USA, contact your local Eaton product sales or service representative, or call the Customer
Reliability Center in the USA at 919.870.3149. For comments or questions about this Warranty, write to the
Customer Quality Representative, 3301 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, North Carolina 27616 USA.