Welcome to the operators section of this manual. A naive person would believe that
this section would be required reading for the person who deals with the counter on
a day-to-day basis. In reality, however, about the only time these pages will see the
light of day is when the installer is in the checkout phase of the installation. This is
o.k. After all, who knows more about the specifics of the application than the in-
staller? Since the information in this section covers all models of the Eclipse flow
family and all of the general programming possibilities, the installer is the best
person to distill the general information in this section into specific operator instruc-
tions that are appropriate to the application. Furthermore, this section only describes
the operator functions of the front panel of the counter. What the operator needs to
know about the entire system, including external switches wired to the counter, will
be specific to the application.
There are five functions that the operator may be expected to do through the front
panel of this counter:
1. View count and rate values.
2. Push the reset button.
3. Alternate between two count factors.
4. Change preset values.
5. Start and stop batch delivery.
Viewing Count and Rate Data
There are 14 items that may appear on the display as count or rate data. The number
of items depends upon the model and how it is programmed. At least two items will
appear on all models (total count and rate), and no Eclipse will show all 14 items
under any given programming configuration.
Each item that shows on the display will have two screens associated with it. One
screen is a title screen that identifies the item. The other screen is the value screen
that displays the numeric value for that item. Normally, a value screen showing a
number is displayed. The title screen, which identifies an item, appears when the
key is pressed. Title screens are made up of the dreaded 7 segment LED
versions of alpha characters. Use the magic decoder ring below to translate the title
Title Screen
6 digit Totalizer Count
Low 5 Digits of 10 Digit Totalizer Count
High 5 Digits of 10 Digit Totalizer Count
Totalizer Preset
Rate Low Setpoint
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