1 to 99999 seconds (C3)
0.2 to 9999.9 seconds (B3)
0.20 to 999.99 seconds (A3)
1 to 99999 minutes (E4)
0.1 to 9999.9 minutes (E3)
0.01 to 999.99 minutes (D3)
1 to 99999 hours (B4)
0.1 to 9999.9 hours (C4)
0.01 to 999.99 hours (D4)
These can be displayed as elapsed time
(time up) or time remaining (time down).
Elapsed time is annunciated with
and reset is to zero.
Time remaining is annunciated with
and reset is to Preset (t, t+ or t=).
There are nine timing ranges and against each is given (in brackets) the flowchart
display which selects it.
To enter programming mode press and hold the Digit 1 and Digit 2 keys together for
3 seconds until the word PROG is annunciated.
The PROG annunciator appears on the display all the time in programing but has been
omitted from the flowchart for the sake of clarity. On the flowchart the annunciators are
very much bigger in proportion to the numeric digits than the real display. This is to aid
Whenever you enter programming mode the options and values displayed are the
ones in current use. Go through all the stages in the flowchart using S to step
backwards and forwards though the options at each stage and Reset (R) to move on
to the next stage.
Line 1
Select one of 8 timing modes which, on the flowchart (only) overflows on to line 2.
Line 3
Select one of 9 timing ranges, hours, minutes or seconds and resolution. The selection
you make here determines the range in which the Time is displayed. This stage
overflows (on the flowchart only) on to line 4.