For more information visit: www.cutler-hammer.eaton.com
Instruction Bulletin
Effective: June 2003
O&M Manual for
Non-Automatic Transfer
Switches (30 – 1200 Amperes)
Figure 5. Horizontal Design Automatic Transfer Switch Equipment
(30 – 100 Amperes)
1.4 Environmental Conditions
With proper installation and by including the appropriate
option which includes specially designed cleats, transfer
switches have a seismic capability which exceeds the worst
case Zone 4 required levels per both the Uniform Building
and the California Building Code.
Operational Conditions
Normally, a transfer switch is applied indoors in an electrical
equipment room. In the appropriate enclosure, it can be
used for outdoor applications where the equipment is sub-
ject to falling rain, freezing temperatures and 95% humidity
(non-condensing). The ambient temperature range for
operation is between -20 and +70°C.