Device window – Web-Controller
Manual Touchscreen Controller
ZNO2038000 A
To h) Configuration ( Web-Controller)
a) General
Entry of device name and additional information
Selection of sub-menus for the configuration
of the Web-Controller
Number of test groups: The number of test groups for the
automatic operating time test and the function test for the
luminaries can be set here, at between 1 and 8
test groups.
The settings for the OT/FT times are carried out in the next
sub-menu “Function Test” and “Operating Time Test”.
Automatic test allocation: Automatically allocates the lumi-
naires to the test groups according to order
Classification is greatly simplified by this.
Number of zones: The number of zones can be prescribed
here. With 4-strand operations this is 2, 4, 5 or 8 zones.
With 2-strand operations this is 4, 8, 10 or 16 zones.
The number of luminaires in a strand are distributed equally
between the zones, e.g. with 4-strand operations with 4
zones it is 50 luminaires per zone!
CGLine 400 compatibility mode: As soon as at least one
CGLine luminaire is connected, the Controller works in com-
patibility mode. No functionalities are available.
Postpone FT/OT by 24 hours...: If an automatic OT/FT can-
not be carried out, for example battery still discharged fol-
lowing power failure, the test can be automatically post-
poned by 24 hours.
Using the button “PC -> CGLine”
the new configurations are
loaded in the Controller. With”PC
<- CGLine” the existing configu-
rations can be downloaded from
the device to the PC.
Display of the software status in the
controller and the production date, as
well as the current MAC address and
the Controller’s IP address set.