EasyIO FW Series – Network Connectivity v2.0
Network Interface Configuration
This chapter will provide basic understanding of how to configure the network.
To view the network connection configuration page please follow below instructions.
Step 1
In the web browser address bar type in the FW series controller IP address (default is
The IP address of the FW controller solely depend to your connection type.
In the example below SSID FW-xxxx is used.
Step 2
At the login page, input the username and password.
By default username and password is as below.
: admin
: hellocpt
Step 5
Once login successfully the browser will display the dashboard page.
Step 6
At the dashboard screen, click expand icon,
at the bottom left to view the sidebar.
Then select Utility menu,
Step 7
Once you are in the utility page, you should see a page with several options.
We will discuss the Network Configuration option.
In this chapter we will
discuss the rest of the options.
DateTime Config, Logo Config, Service Config
elements please refer to
FW User Reference
for further information.
Firmware Upgrade
element, please refer to
FW Series Firmware Upgrade
user guide for further