Using the handheld vacuum cleaner MD 18418 H
Charge the battery for at least 8 hours before using the fl oor vacuum
cleaner for the fi rst time.
Always charge the battery if the suction power declines signifi cantly.
Neither the fl oor vacuum cleaner nor the handheld part can be operated
during charging
Using the handheld vacuum cleaner MD 18418 H
− To detach the handheld vacuum cleaner
from the fl oor vacuum cleaner
, press the unlock buttons
(Step A) and lift the handheld vacuum cleaner out
of the housing (Step B). Make sure the handheld vacuum cleaner does not fall to
the ground. (
Fig. B
− Make sure the coarse fi lter
and dust fi lter
is fi tted snugly in the dust
and the dust container fi ts fi rmly on the motor block. You can
fi nd more information on assembly/disassembly in section “Cleaning the dust
container” on page 18.
− Fit the appropriate vacuum attachment:
• Crevice
for vacuuming areas that are diffi cult to reach
• Upholstery
for cleaning delicate surfaces
− Switch on the handheld vacuum cleaner by pressing the on/off switch
. The
operating LED lights blue.
− Pressing the on/off switch again switches off the handheld vacuum cleaner.
Using the fl oor vacuum cleaner
Assembling the fl oor vacuum cleaner
− Place the handheld vacuum cleaner
in the fl oor vacuum cleaner by fi rst
inserting it with the suction opening in the lower part of the housing (Step A) and
then pressing it to the rear into the housing, until the handheld vacuum cleaner
audibly latches into place (Step B). (
Fig. C
Using the fl oor vacuum cleaner
− Take the vacuum cleaner out of the charging station by positioning it with a
slight forward slope and pulling it out upward. Hold the base with the foot.
IMA MD18418 Content V2.4.indd 17
IMA MD18418 Content V2.4.indd 17
25.07.2019 12:52:58
25.07.2019 12:52:58