5. Installation
Machine should be placed in empty space with flat ground, good ventilation and dry working environment.
5.1 Unpacking
Remove the iron nail
Loosen the screw on the packing
Take away the top cover by hammer and crowbar
Pull down the wooden side covers
Take out the working table and axles
Use forklift to move the machine to the right position
5.2 Installation of worktable
Notice: (3 or 4 operators needed)
Step 1. Standing by of the stands of the worktable (15) (18) Two operators respectively put left stand and right
stand on the front side of the machine.
Step 2. Install the belt driven shaft (42) Put the belt driven shaft (42) on the slot in the both left and right stand
after it walks across the belt, use two screw rods (26) (41) to fasten the shaft.
Step 3. Installation of worktable connectors (35) (36) (37) Screw the three connectors on the left stand and the
right stand; make sure the screw a little bit loose.
Step 4. Installation of three balance shafts (20) (21) (23) Screw three balance shafts on the left stand and the
right stand insufficiently, make sure the middle shaft laying under the belt; the rest two should pass through
the belt.
Step 5. Install six structural shafts (11)(13)(18)(19)(22)(27) Screw the six structural shafts on the left stand and
the right stand; make sure the screw a little bit loose.
Step 6. Install picture paper collector (39) Place well the two shafts of picture paper collector on the stands,
make sure to put the left side where gear located on the left stand.
Step 7. Installation of wheel box (24) Screw the motor on the left stand and pre-tighten it first, unlock the
chain and wrap it around the two shafts of picture paper collector with the motor, move and tighten the motor
to where it can gears better. Wire the speed controller correctly and cover the box.
Step 8. Installation of two adjusting bars (31) (32) and the speed retarder (28) (29) they connect to. Put the
two adjusting bars on the bearings; connect the left side with the speed retarders carefully, put the knob into
the retarders.
Step 9. Installation of two lading bars of fabric and picture paper (31) (32) Put the two adjusting bars on the
stands and lock it.