HD-TVI DVR User Manual
3. Login IE browser and input registered domain name “http://www.xxx.dvrdydns.com”,
connect to DVR client.
You can also quickly register the domain name in this interface.
1. Set the IP address manually in the network tab and then click “Other Settings” tab.
Check “DDNS”.
2. Select “www.autoddns.com” in DDNS Type column as shown above.
3. Enter the host name at random, like 123.
4. Click “Register” to register the domain name. When the successful prompt pops up, it
means you successfully register your domain name.
If your IP address is not WAN IP address, you should forward your IP address and port in your
router or enable UPnP function both in router and DVR. Then you can use the domain name
plus HTTP port to access your DVR.
DDNS server
DDNS server
Website provided by dynamic domain name supplier. The optional:
www.no-ip.com/mintdns type
User name
User name for log in the website of domain name supplier
Password for log in the website of domain name supplier
Host domain
The domain name user registered at the supplier’s website
Update interval
The interval time of upgrading DVR IP address
4.7 User Management Configuration
This tab allows you to add normal or advanced users. To add user and set up user authority:
Go to Main Menu
Users. Refer to Fig 4-30.