microBrute DRSSTC Tesla Coil Kit
November 2019, Rev 5
− 40 −
Copyright © 2011, Eastern Voltage Research, LLC
microBrute DRSSTC Instruction Manual
For a grounded strike target, it is best to use something that is not hard wired to
the house earth ground. Just a large metallic object is good enough to act as a
grounded strike target. For example, a tool box, large metal box, or even a
cooking pot will work well as grounded strike targets. Be sure not be near or
touch these objects while the coil is running however.
Be sure there is a good ground connection between the microBrute PCB board
and the resonator at all times.
Make sure the gate drive transformer is tightly and neatly wound. This increases
coupling, reduces leakage inductance between windings, and allows for the best
performance of the microBrute DRSSTC system.
Try experimenting with the tuning by raising and lowering the primary winding.
Moving the primary upwards increases coupling, while moving it downwards
reduce coupling. Keep in mind, you may also need to adjust the number of turns
to maintain tune when adjusting the coupling.
When wrapping the toroid with aluminum tape, make sure you have good
electrical contact between “wraps.” Some aluminum tape has a plastic backing
which prevents this electrical contact. Use a multimeter to ensure you have
electrical continuity around the entire toroid.
Reliability Hints:
A properly tuned and set-up (proper current limit, etc…) will yield a reliable DRSSTC.
However, to improve reliability even further, please follow the steps below:
a. The MOST important thing to remember for reliability is to PREVENT arcs
from striking downward towards the primary coil. Although there is a grounded
strike rail above the primary coil, strikes to the grounded strike rail may jump
back into the primary coil. Strikes to the primary coil are a sure way to blow the
half-bridge IGBTs. Position the break-out point on the toroid upwards, and use a
closely positioned strike target. Also, a pointed object placed about 6 inches from
the side of the enclosure (on the same side as the break-out point) and sticking up
to about strike rail height will capture any arcs that are propogating downward.
This CANNOT be stressed enough.
Preventing Primary Coil and Strike Rail
strikes = Higher Reliability!
b. To improve the reliability in high current (bright white arcs) ground strikes,
running a long extension cord between the board and wall outlet will provide
some resistive and inductive ballasting. Although this won’t affect the nominal