PC-8R Installation Guide Version 1.0 Rev 1.1
The PC
8R is a 40A, 8 output fuse box/PDM with 2 ba ery direct fused connec ons and 6
switched connec ons. The posi ve switched outputs are outputs 3 through 8 on connector J2.
The ba ery direct outputs are 1 through 2 on connector J2. Each output can be up to 15A
( max ), provided the total current does not exceed 40A.
Ba ery direct outputs can be used for connec ng heated gear, chain oilers, or ba ery chargers,
but be careful of devices that can cause parasi c drain. A typical bike ECU will draw less than
1.0mA when the bike is powered off. We found that currents of around 5mA or higher can cause
an average ba ery to be unable to start a bike, a er just 4 weeks of storage.
The switched outputs on the PC
8R, of course, switch off when the bike is turned off ( provided it
has been installed correctly ). They are typically used for power devices that are needed during
riding such as naviga on systems, USB ports, radar detectors, camera systems, communica ons
systems and accessory lights, horns etc.
While the posi ve outputs on J2 are specified as direct or switched, the ground connec ons are
all common, so you can use any ground connec on without any J2 connec on.
The switched input should be connected to input 2 on J4. Pin 1 on J4 can be used, if the switched
input is to be looped though to another device ( should be low current & less than 0.2A ) .
Figure 2: PC
8R Block Diagram