PC-8R Installation Guide Version 1.0 Rev 1.1
Power is connected to the PC
8R though J3. Pins 1 and 2 are grounds. Pins 3 & 4 are posi ve.
Double check a er installing wires to make sure there are no loose strands that could cause
a short.
We recommend using an inline fuse with any PC
8R power cable, unless the connec on to
the ba ery is under 12” ( 30cm ), for extra safety. You should note that the stamped value on a
fuse is it’s blow ra ng, not it’s con nuous use ra ng. We recommend to use a fuse that is at least
25% higher than the con nuous current you intend to protect.
For applica ons up to 30A the connec on is pre y simple.
For connec ons up to 40A there are a few op ons:
Figure 3: Power Connec on < 30A
Figure 4: Power Connec on 40A ( Type 1 )
Figure 5: Power Connec on 40A ( Type 2 )