03) Totalizer:
From the main screen, press the MENU key then the number
02. Enter the password (default is 00000000) and press the
ENTER key followed by 03).
The Totalizer Units:
Select the units of measure
desired by entering numerals in
front of the selection desired.
The available units are:
01) GAL, gallons
02) MET3, cubic meters
03) LTRS, liters
04) IGAL, imperial gallons
05) BARR, barrels
06) CUFT, cubic feet
07) ACFT, acre foot
Totalizer Multiplier:
The next screen selection is the
Totalizer Multiplier. There are eight
selections for the Totalizer
Multiplier ranging from X.001
to X10K. Select the number that
corresponds to the multiplier
required. The display will indicate
the flow as a multiple of that
value. For example: Selecting 07)
would indicate 80 Gal x1000 for
80,000 gallons.
Changes to the multiplier do not affect historical data.
Press the MENU key and ENTER to store changes.
04) 4-20 Outputs
From the main screen, press the
MENU key then the number 02.
Enter the password (default is
00000000) and press the ENTER key
followed by 04).
4-20 adjustment:
Each of the three 4-20mA loops
can be adjusted by entering the
corresponding number to the
left of the selection. Enter 01) for
level, 02) for velocity, and 03) for
flow. The next screen will indicate
the arrow keys needed to navigate
and adjust the signal. The left
arrow sets the zero level output.
A calibrated current meter should
be used to verify a 4mA output at
the appropriate terminals. Use the
up and down arrows to adjust the
current. The right arrow will set
the full span output. Check the
output for 20mA. Use the up and
down arrows to adjust the current.
It is sometimes necessary to
repeat these steps two or more
times for critical applications.
Press ENTER to advance to the next screen.
>02) Program
>02) Program