In practice this often leads to a compromise of the overall tonal balance and nat-
uralness of the vocal sound, as keeping the microphone inside the sweet spot for
low frequencies places it too close to the vocalist to capture the natural balance of
all of the sound-generating parts of the human body.
The SV33 has been engineered with the gentlest possible proximity effect to avoid
this sort of compromise. This microphones low frequency response is almost en
tirely unaffected by distance, therefore a whole new constellation of use and place-
ment options open up, making it possible to achieve the desired vocal sound.
Polar Response
The polar response of the SV33 provides a wide area of pickup that is consistent in
frequency and amplitude out to 70 degrees off-axis (Figures 7 & 8). It also provides
a large area of uncolored rear rejection beyond 110 degrees off-axis (Figures 10-A
& 10-B). Depending on what else is happening in the room, aim the rear of the
SV33 toward sources you want to avoid. The SV33’s rear rejection of deep bass
is also extraordinary.
Pop Screens & Plosives
The SV33 has a built-in screen to keep saliva,
lipstick or dirt from the capsule; however, when
working close to the SV33 an external pop-
screen should be used as an additional preven-
tion against plosives. It is also recommended to
use the mic placements shown in Figures 9-A &
9-B to help reduce plosives.
Earthworks Cardioid
Conventional Cardioid
Figures 8 A-D
Note: The wider accurate pickup
pattern of the SV33 allows you to
place 3 singers on a single mic and
pick each of them up with the same
pristine sound quality.
Figure 7 SV33 Polar Response
Accurate Pickup Patterns i.e. Usable Sweetspot
Figures 9-A & 9-B Positioning
a Microphone to Prevent Plosives